Jumat, 02 Maret 2012


let me start this post with a laugh. ahahhahahahahhaha. a BIG laugh. HAHAHAHAHUHAUSDHIAUAHI. so yeah, this post is dedicated to someone. but that someone is not that "someone" get it? so... actually its suppose to be a galau post tho. but yeah.

one day, when i feel not good enough and about to quit. when the world almost eat me alive. when i feel someone hv to replace me. i was just thinking about him and my future. i dont care what the-other-he will say.

he is the ONE, who always believe in me. since the first time i start. he never blame me. he, Believes in me. but actually i dont believe in my self. and i feel bad. he is so positive. when i made a mistake he didnt "ure wrong. u shouldve... u er.. u shouldve known.." but he said "lets learn together" and now im scared i will let him down. i remember when im about to be replaced. hes... kinda 'fight' (not that kind of fight, u know what it mean kan) for me.

hes a friend, bro, and mentor for me at the same time. and I will try my best to not to let him down.

btw this post, is not that lovie dubie post. its normal kind of post cause i feel bad.
bye ngok ngok.

2 komentar:

RAP mengatakan...


FARAH mengatakan...

dafuqq whats with the cough maynn? ahahahah