Selasa, 27 November 2012

lop letter

wow. udah lama ga ngepost dan tampilan dashboard dan segala halnya banyak berubah. sama kayak yang di hati aku. berubah banyak. wkwkwk. APAAN DEH. ok so..... senin sampe kamis itu penting, karna mat fisika kimia bio 4 jam di hari itu. dan udah 3 minggu aku pas weekdays ga dateng molo. minggu pertama debate, minggu ke2 sekolah ada acara dan byk libur, ke 3 wisudaan mas abi di jogja dan ahirnya keteteran, ngejar 10 ujian dlm 1 minggu itu.. sesuatu cetar membahana ngebass dangdutan.

bikin otak dan perut dangdutan tiap hari, dan skrg amandel kambuh. ingus meler molo. batuk kering kadang berdahak. telinga kayak mampet. nelen rada sakit. di sekolah pake pusing. BAHAYA NIH EMANG.

kemaren baru balik dr jkt ini, sabtunya langsung acara funday. aturannya ikutan bikin love letter tapi karna telat, jadi males. dan emg susah kalo mo ikt lomba soalnya aku volunteer yang registrasi which isss yang rame bgt2an. berasa demo sembako. meja di dorong2. ah hectic. -_-

so heres my love letter

Hey there love,
I know theres many way to express this feeling to you, I know that the technology provides us many things. But im just gonna tell you by this letter, cause my love for you is like a lasagna. It makes me kinda… cheesy, classic and it comforts me.

When I met you I didnt really like you, this impression was you are somebody who is strange.  Now that I know you, I found my missing piece. Youre the answer of my questions, youre the charger of my gadgets, Youre the cream of my green tea latte, and youre even the pasta of my carbonara

Im not gonna write you a love song like sara bareilles not gonna love you like a love song like selena Gomez did, im not gonna say “please don't go” like mike posner did, im not gonna ignore you like 3oh3 did in double vision, and I don't even want to die in your arms like Justin bieber. I dont even know why I like you, is it because that one thing? Or is it just because I love the way you lie or maybe its because youre fucking perfect.

I don't wanna find another someone like you, I don't want you to be the one that got away, I don't want you to be somebody that I used to know. but im not gonna catch a grenade for you, or throw my hand on blade, or even jump on a train for you. I wanna be right next to you, because I feel so close to you right now. So im just gonna fight for this love because youre one in a million.  And in the end of the day they say nothing lasts forever. then be my nothing,love.

soooo what do you guys think? i know its weird. but i am weird. its my identifier. lol. i can be that romantic person, but i dont wanna be a romantic weird kid. because romantic is too mainstream. ngok.

and for ehm, thanks for being such an inspiration. 
 lol bye.