Jumat, 21 Desember 2012


i just found this interesting post about leo!!!

"There is a reason the Lion is the King of the Jungle: it’s because he acts the part. Every move the lion makes oozes arrogance, self-confidence, and flamboyance. Leo, the sign of the Lion, is no different. Watching a Leo do anything can be a humbling experience, and not just because of how well they do most things, but because of how assured and confident they look doing it. Watching them eat is a similar experience. Leo’s have enormous appetites and can put everyone else at the dinner table to shame with their knack for putting away food. But don’t expect them to slow down once dessert arrives. To the Leo, limitation is a myth as obscure and baseless as restriction or failure. Their stomachs are endless pits, and they will eat till they are bored, not till they are full, for the lion never gets full."

"I’ve realized why my favorite ice cream is Mint Chocolate Chip. It’s a blend of bold,rich chocolate infused into a tangy and bittersweet minty flavor, which combine to provide a strong flavor that represents who I am. Yes, I am Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream. Most people don’t realize this but Mint Chocolate Chip is like a literary flaw. It’s a contradiction between two different flavors that should not have become blended in the first place, but through some odd man’s creative endeavor, they came together, and inevitably became one of the most known and beloved flavors of people all throughout the world. Don’t get me wrong, some people I’ve come across in my life hate the taste or even just a whiff of smell of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream. But to the people who love it, they cherish every bite of the bold, strong tangy flavor that knocks their taste buds out. Similarly, I’m a contradiction of two blended flavors that create my identity.
When I was nine, I knew what I wanted. I planned out a map of my life and where I was to be by the time I was 10, 15, and 20. Now at seventeen, I am still innocent and naïve, but I am fearful of heights, scary movies, and bed bugs. I look at life not as a pathway through a map, but more like a steppingstone to get up a staircase. I do not know who and what I will be when I’m 22, 27, or 32. I am more open to opportunities and experiences. I want to learn a wide range of topics, from art history and music I am the perfect blend of my bold, nine year old innocence of excitement and perfection, where everything I touch becomes gold and of my present mature and optimistic, seventeen year old self, who believes that through determination and the right kind of attitude, I can go far and be a blessing to others. It’s amazing how similar my life parallels to the combining flavor of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream.

I am the perfect contradiction of Mint Chocolate Chip Ice cream. I LOVE MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP ICE CREAM everyone I have ever met has hated it but I KNOW completely it is the best. So you see Mint Chocolate chip is just like a Leo. The Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac. These folks are impossible to miss, since they love being center stage. Making an impression is Job One for Leos, and when you consider their personal magnetism, you see the job is quite easy. Leos are an ambitious lot, and their strength of purpose allows them to accomplish a great deal.
The fact that these folks are also creative makes their endeavors fun for them and everyone else. It’s quite common to see a Leo on stage or in Hollywood, since these folks never shy away from the limelight. They are also supremely talented and have a flair for the dramatic. Warmth and enthusiasm seems to seep from every Leo pore, making these folks a pleasure to be around. They do love pleasure and Mint Chocolate chip." -xstrologyscope

i mean.... OMG. I'm a Leo, and Mint Chocolate chip has always been my favorite ice cream flavor. and that post is right. since i was little i want to be a DuBes.*ive told u that before in my previous post* but now in my 16 yo life... idk what i really want to do. but im more open to opportunities and experiences now. i mean....... that post......is so......Me. from now on, my identifier is Mint Chocolate chip ice cream:)

Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

ola amigossss 5cm?

oh ya jadi tadi baru nonton 5cm. 1 yang paling oke, PENGAMBILAN GAMBARNYA OKEEEEEEEEE BGTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. apalagi yang di gunung2nya itu. ah kereeeeeen. jd pengen kesana. highest appreciation to the crew deh pokoknya. mereka yg bawa barang2nya, nyootingin capek2. ah its the people behind the scene that made it successful. kul kul kul.

pevita.... uhm. shes pretty but her acting wasnt as good as i expected. yang bagus itu yang jd zafran. actingnya oke. ea. ok aku ngomong kayak udh pro. fukit. but over all its the best indonesian movie of the year. yeah tp belom nonton habibie dan ainun sih. kenapa saya jd suka nonton yg beginian ya. yaudahlah yya-_-

Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012


heeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yeah done with my final exam for this semester. its actually one of the mostttt important semester in my high school life. for the college stuff.............. lol. college. I AM SCARED. nahhh im not scared im just worrying my future. what if i dont get in to my dream college? what if i end here...... nONONONONONONOO. i will fucking fight for my future. im an independent kid. i earn things. yeah.. ah fuk. -_-
pray for me. please?:)

i like love song. love song is good. when its not sad. but its not that happy either. but its adorable love song..... its like when ever youre around. im happy. its true when they said "The more attracted you are to a person, the easier it is for them to make you laugh." yes yes.

is this the song that make me feel like this or is it just you. LOLLLLLL. fuk. bye. when youre into someone. every little tinnyyyy thing counts. ahahahhaha fuck. bIEEE

Selasa, 27 November 2012

lop letter

wow. udah lama ga ngepost dan tampilan dashboard dan segala halnya banyak berubah. sama kayak yang di hati aku. berubah banyak. wkwkwk. APAAN DEH. ok so..... senin sampe kamis itu penting, karna mat fisika kimia bio 4 jam di hari itu. dan udah 3 minggu aku pas weekdays ga dateng molo. minggu pertama debate, minggu ke2 sekolah ada acara dan byk libur, ke 3 wisudaan mas abi di jogja dan ahirnya keteteran, ngejar 10 ujian dlm 1 minggu itu.. sesuatu cetar membahana ngebass dangdutan.

bikin otak dan perut dangdutan tiap hari, dan skrg amandel kambuh. ingus meler molo. batuk kering kadang berdahak. telinga kayak mampet. nelen rada sakit. di sekolah pake pusing. BAHAYA NIH EMANG.

kemaren baru balik dr jkt ini, sabtunya langsung acara funday. aturannya ikutan bikin love letter tapi karna telat, jadi males. dan emg susah kalo mo ikt lomba soalnya aku volunteer yang registrasi which isss yang rame bgt2an. berasa demo sembako. meja di dorong2. ah hectic. -_-

so heres my love letter

Hey there love,
I know theres many way to express this feeling to you, I know that the technology provides us many things. But im just gonna tell you by this letter, cause my love for you is like a lasagna. It makes me kinda… cheesy, classic and it comforts me.

When I met you I didnt really like you, this impression was you are somebody who is strange.  Now that I know you, I found my missing piece. Youre the answer of my questions, youre the charger of my gadgets, Youre the cream of my green tea latte, and youre even the pasta of my carbonara

Im not gonna write you a love song like sara bareilles did.im not gonna love you like a love song like selena Gomez did, im not gonna say “please don't go” like mike posner did, im not gonna ignore you like 3oh3 did in double vision, and I don't even want to die in your arms like Justin bieber. I dont even know why I like you, is it because that one thing? Or is it just because I love the way you lie or maybe its because youre fucking perfect.

I don't wanna find another someone like you, I don't want you to be the one that got away, I don't want you to be somebody that I used to know. but im not gonna catch a grenade for you, or throw my hand on blade, or even jump on a train for you. I wanna be right next to you, because I feel so close to you right now. So im just gonna fight for this love because youre one in a million.  And in the end of the day they say nothing lasts forever. then be my nothing,love.

soooo what do you guys think? i know its weird. but i am weird. its my identifier. lol. i can be that romantic person, but i dont wanna be a romantic weird kid. because romantic is too mainstream. ngok.

and for ehm, thanks for being such an inspiration. 
 lol bye.

Jumat, 07 September 2012

ka ngend band

is it okay to be not okay...

is it normal to be not normal..
is it fine to be not fine..

definisi kangen itu apa sih? GATAU. soalnya kangen itu aneh, perasaan yang malu2in. dtgnya kalo lagi mlm2.. lg bosen.. lg di kamar mandi.. itu kangen emg malu2in bgt, eh kadang ga nyadar tb2 nge bbm duluan. ato kadang2 kepoin twitternya. ato.. malah igt momen2 aneh yg bikin geli sendiri.. yang pasti kangen itu campuran seneng nyesek jadi satu.

siapa sih orang di sini yang ga pernah igt ttg momen dimana satu situasi kayak ke pause gitu, terus ngerewind2 sendiri. momen2 kecil aja deh. apakek dia lg mungut sampah eh ke pause mukanya trs mukanya muter2 di kepala. ato mukanya lagi diem... memandang lurus ke mata kita ea blahhh ahahahahahhaha geli kan

emang gini remaja2 labil postnya abal, tulisannya ga jelas. pasti karena bosen. ato lg nge torture diri sendiri sm lagu galau yg sebenernya ga begitu pas sm keadaan tp krn lagunya enak dipaksa2in jd lagu dia. *eh

pernah ga kangen sm org yg gamau kt kangenin? hehe ahahahahaha ew. pernah ga kangen sm org aneh yg tb2 kt kangen? kangen orgnya apa kangen momenya? :3 IYA. emang agustus udh jadi bulan yg bikin happyyyyyy hehe jd ga ngeblog deh. eh masuk sekolah jd gini. hihi.

ntar mau ah bikin buku judulnya perahu remote control. jadi ceritanya ada anak lg main perahu remote control terus malah nabrak anak 1 lagi. nah mereka terpaku ea. yaudah anak ini cita2nya mau jadi nahkoda ea. 1 nya lagi mau jd pramugari. terus ini jd perang antara cita2 dan cinta ea. eh tiba2 dtg 1 org lagi jd pilot... nah terus ceritanya bersambung ahahahahahahah ga jelas :|

*im in looove with the thought ooof youuuuuuu* lagu jb yg ini enak, tp lebih enak pas di cover sama gamaliellll ea asik apasih.

Minggu, 17 Juni 2012




udah ah capek ngeblog pake capslock.......... aku tuhyaaaaa kangen sama kamuuuuuuuuu. eh kamu ni siapa. aku tuh kangen sama akuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, aku yang dulu pas masih smp. aku yang sma malesin, bikin capek. gadeng..... aku kangen............ green tea latte yg rasanya beneran green tea latte. ga kebanyakan susunya kayyak di jeko. gak kebanyakan esnya kayak di eksekswan. ga sebiasa di starbaks. aku maunya yang bener2 kerasa kayak di kedai ramen ling ling.

ohiya waktu itu, aku liat cewe itu. kenal sih nggak. cuman aku tau dia. dia di label bagus. dan dia emang bagus, pinter.aku liat dia pas april kalo ga salah. ato maret. trus aku stalk ahahah. tapi kalo cantik sih ngga. dia gendut. tapi somehow omongan dia tuh berisi nginspire orang. nah ini aku ngeblog kayak ada aja yang mo baca celotehan segini ga jelasnya. ga BERBOBOT. dan...... aku mau jd kayak dia..... otaknya bagus..... socialnya kayaknya bagus.........

tp disisi lain aku mo kayak cewek yg itu tp aku gak kenal dia. aku aja gatau dia ada di bumi ini sblm sebulanan yg lalu. dia ga cantik. ga pinter. dia rada gendut tapi temennya banyak yang ganteng. hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha. geli aja .

yaampun farah :((((((((((((((((( kapan sih kamu bisa bersyukur dan ngehargain apa yang Allah kasih ke kamu? yaampun farah, manusia tu ga pernah puas! dan aku ini masih sma jadi aku masih rada labil dan mencari jati diriku #ea yaampun farah, kamu tuh ya kamu. yaampun farah, aku ya aku, tp kalo aku bs jadi aku yang lebih baik, kenapa nggak? yaampun farah, suka2 kamu aja sih aku ga peduli jg. yaampun farahm kalo semuanya suka2 aku, aku jg ga bakal kayak gini skrg. mungkin aku udh jatoh ke lobang kegelapan dari lama. yaampun farah, jangan sok dramatis gini dong. yaampun farah. stop ngomong sendiri.

udah ya desperate momentnya udh abis.

wait, im back

waiiiit, im so bored so imma post this un-necessary thing. so whats with the sims 3 and i????? every time i install it, it will fail..... and fail...... and fail. fuuuuuu. so theres the sims 3 for mac that i bought in mol ambassador and when i got home i installed it for like more than 20 times. but everytime i finished the installation, I COULDNT PLAY IT.:(((((((((( and a few days ago i borrowed the sims 3 for windows from anggun. ive installed it for like 10 times. but its still wouldnt work.

I AM DYING TO PLAY THE SIMS 3 :'| but theres just something between me and the sims 3, is it love? hate? or ...... frienemies........... why do i hv to be soooooo weird god. im soooooooo bored right now. my supposed-to-be-smartphone is dumb. the bbm wont work. for like 4 hours now? fuk it.

and im dying to hv my vacatioooooooooooooooooon. im dying to hv that super-hot-summer-body-like-in-instagram. im dying to be a smart ass in school, or.... in the world:|. im dying to yell and slap at someone at the same time. but the most important thing..... im dying to have you............ LOL JK. im dying to hv a money tree :p

well.............................. uhm. theres a lot of wishes and questions that i wanna post in this stupid read-able blog. but its just.... too hard..... to........ type it...... in the right way.............. u know what i mean? fukit

that awkward moment when you really want to boker but youre just too lazy to get up and poop. okayyy be right back, imma poop for a sec.

yeah. im back. but not lega enough. ahahahahhaha. i want to thank god for the beautiful creatures he made, so i just stalked *uhm* a handsome..... boy no man no young man. ea. and it makes me happy.......... seeing a handsome kid, is.... weird. WAIT THIS POST IS WEIRD. it sounds weird. i look like a creep. okay thats it. no posting.


Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012


yay. alhamdulillah dpt ipa, but somehow im not that happy. im not that satisfied. nilaiku naik seluncuran... *if u know what i mean* dari dulu, mo rapor mid ato smster aku ga pernah dpt rata2 dibawah 80. dulu aku jg pas di f rank 20an jg rata2nya 80an keatas trs. somehow, aku ngerasa gagal gabisa mempertahankan ato menaikkan apa yg dulu udh aku dpt. berarti kan aku makin bego...........................

aku tau sih kalo aku ngeliat kebawah harusnya aku lebih bisa bersyukur. tapi, gimana ya beda aja rasanya. ga lega, ga seneng.

Jumat, 15 Juni 2012


aku sayang 10.3 makasih bgt buat 2 hari ini ph sudirman, breaks, billiardnya, handbreak abal2nya aldo, taman randunyaa hehe. seruuuuuu. barusan diajak sepedaahan lg bareng tomi ucok aldo tp mls ban kempes... krik. yay besok hari penentuan. nay besok tau ipa ato ips. gatau mau jd apa kalo masuk ips. bukannya gmn, aku gatau mo jd apa kalo masuk ips takut nyesel :( dan pengen bs bikin pp mm bangga krn mrk pengen aku msk ipa walaupun cuman sbts ipa, at least aku harusnya mampu.

bismillah aja buat besok. mlm ini aku galau dengerin tulus. dulu dengerin tulus dibandung enak2 skrg jd kangen sm bandung huhu. tulus oke bgt sih :( why cant i have many talents? omg i dont have any talent :o

sewindu oke bgt lah. sengkau lupakan akuuu semua usahaku semua pagi kita semua malam kitaaa oooo tak akan lagiiiiii ku menunggumu di depan pintu daaaaaan tak ada lagiii tutur manis merayumu *gitar tengtong* setiap pagi ku menunggu d depan pintu siapkan senyuum terbaikkuuu huhu lagunya oke coy

HALAH. post labil ini. yaudah dada, mau bersyukur sama Allah.

Rabu, 13 Juni 2012


happy birthday mama <3 walaupun kadang mama ngeselin, sensi, manja, cerewet :p mamah tu jg perhatian bgtttt, baik, supporting, selalu ada dan tau kalo aku lg sedih, you always do. :( youre a mom, a heroine, a bestfriend, a sponsor:p, youre everything. hari ini, aku bersyukur sama Allah mama masih bisa diberi umur panjang dan semoga ditahun2 berikutnya mama masih bakal selalu ada buat aku, papa masabi ama masfadhil.

aku gabisa ngebayangin dan gamau ngebayangin kalo mama ato pp ato masabi ato masfadhil ga ada. theyre a big part of my life, selalu ada mereka di setiap 1 sel dalam tubuhku #ea.

jadiii tadi aku ama papa ngasih surprise buat mamah. jd kemaren sblm driving kt ke takadeli beli kue terus ke ciput mo beliin mama kado (kado dr aku) tp bingung mo beli apa trs mo beli baju eh bajunya gaada ukuran 1m 1xl padahal mama l yaudah deh dr pd kelamaan takut mamah curiga:p kita balik dgn alibi beli tekwan, emg beli sih :| terus tadi pagi jam 5an kt kasih deh kuenya sambilnya nyanyi bday song. terus mamah seneng senyamsenyum. ahahahaha.

lega bgt rasanya walaupun cuman kue tp bs ngerayain bareng2 sm pp mm, cuman kurang mas abi ama mas fadhil. hahahahah terus kt solat subuh (yay!) dan abis itu mama asik main bb tmn2nya ngucapin -_- trs yaudah kt potong kue!!!!!! hihi trs ada wishes kt bikin vn ke masabi ama masfadhil :p:p mungkin mereka masih tdr tadi :|

aku janji kalo udh gede nanti, aku bakal beliin mamah kado yg aku tau mama bakal suka. tp ga sekarang, duitku ga cukup:| nanti mah. janji bgt lah. buat papah masabi masfadhil aku jg janji bgtlah. u guys r everything to me. i love u like a fat kid love ice cream (Read: i love u guys n ice cream)


Selasa, 12 Juni 2012


uh everytime i see pak.s im terrified. cause his face is just... scary. and it reminds me of debate. talking about debate... so i decided to quit next year. cause...... its just not my thing. not what i wanna do. im not that debate kid who own a debate soul. so yeah im letting it go... hihii

and let see, sophomore year #ea is almost over. so yeahhh 4 more days and my future will be written... on that shittie paper. so yeah lets pray for the best, and IM WAITING FOR MY VACATION.
oh ya i cried.... at school. HAHAHAHA. cause..... my japanese teacher didnt accept my assgnmnt that i made for 3 fucking straight hours? (powerpoint in japanese) i hv to change the language in my lppy, i have to read (seeing the symbol for one by one cause idk any hiragana), i have to make 3 chapters that include the vocab, the grammar, the examples and stuff. so yeah. it was complicated. and hard to do. so yeah

and yeah at last i can make her accept it... tomorrow. well I LOVE MY TEACHERS, THEY ARE MY INSPIRATION ;)

Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012


demi apa arti namaku isinya ttg kesenangann dan kebahagian semua. gosh :|

so i googled cantya. cause i thought cantya means something wellness and stuff. but the fact is cantya means "will be a happy kid" and farah means "joy and happiness" hutami means something about happy and stuff

sooo thats why people expect me to be more serious and stuff :| okay...

cantya 418 (javanese)

farah (persian)

well i cant find hutami on google so.. yeah

Senin, 14 Mei 2012

love in perth & ada apa dengan cinta

soooo im skipping school again today hehe. idk why but im just not in the mood to skooling and that kind of stuff. but i think tomorrow ill come. hehe. yea sooo i watched love in perth and ada apa dengan cinta via youtube. and it was...

yeah talking bout love in perth.
its a typical movie love story. so theres a friendzone thing. it always been like this. theres a nice girl who fall for a bad boy. and theres a nice boy who always there for this nice girl through what ever and this boy loves this girl but this nice girl rejected this nice boy because she likes this bad boy. and at the end this bad boy always get this nice girl.weird and stupid huh

its so... uhm yeah u know :| but i like petra sihombing now hes so.... cool and cute BAHAHAHAHA. what ever. yeah

ive already watched it. uhmm few years ago? but i watched it again today. and ths is an old movie and i like ittt. it makes me wonder how different is 2002 and this 2012. its been 10 years omg. yeah 2002 highschooler is more.. creative, active, not that wild, and... nicer and not "kebelet pengen tua" ahahahah. and i like the story, its not that common :| and its realistic. what hppn to our generation ....:| even a mid school kid already wearing a lipstick and a higheels. mck.

and btw im looking forward to aadc2 mehihi its like when rangga gets older and hes still in love with cinta and so does cinta and those kind of thing.. ahahhaahha and btw nicholas saputra is... so... handsome and cool in aadc, but then i googled him. hes old now... and kinda bald in the front. and... not that handsome and cool.

i like rangga not nicholas saputra blahahah. and yeah this post is weird. and why did i watch those kind of movies? :| idk either but idk. i just found it on youtube. and yeah


Rabu, 18 April 2012


i dont wanna do that. im not into it. i thought i am. but im not. so this is pretty confusing. it makes you happy, and it makes me happy when i see you smile. but in the other side it doesnt feel right. its not who iam, not what i want to do. but actually its a really good thing. and i would be a fool if i let it go. but i cant make everyone happy.

im a pretty selfish kid. but i hv to grow up and learn, right. to be a better kid. i mean girl. or woman. nah, be a better girl. uhm nah be a better person. theres a point where i wanna be a lady, wearing heels, dresses, make up, dye my hair and something like that. but, thats not who i am. im a teenager(kid) who really loves to eat, but dying to be skinny. wearing sneakers or crocs wherever i go. a loose tees and a short batik pants. and stuff.

but, people DO judge out there. and im scared getting judge. cause everything you do or say, no matter how good you are, people will always judge you and get a different 'message' from what you do. so what im saying is WE cant make everyone happy. so get ready to be judged, hated, loved and else. but what if im not ready. yeah if im not ready ill make a post like this. yeah uhm see. the truth is im not ready getting judged. no one wants to be hated riiiiight?

so if i did something that make one of you or all of you angry and disappointed and annoyed and else. why dont you try to talk to me, so i can be a better person? i think im a pretty open minded kid. uhm ok. blahbye

Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

hey now now

well im still mad, BUT my last post is kinda... weird childish and pathetic. yeah theres still many chances, many possibilities and stuff. so what im gonna do is, chasing my other BIG dreams and maybe i need a shock therapy. i hv a krupuk mental eh ahahahhaha. so yeah

dear farah you have to learn how to accept failure even tho ure always fail. it doesnt mean ure good at accepting it. so u better LEARN HOW TO ACCEPT things. and farah you are so sensitive and annoying, even more these days so you better shut your mouth and go to hell. nahhh :| and farah you hv to hv a chinese mental. theyre hard worker and wont stop till they got it.
so my dear dear farah, the point is you hv to learn more.

AHAHAHA dafuq. nahhh idk so yeah hm.. actually i hv many dreams. and ill tell you in the next post when my mood is getting better:|

Senin, 26 Maret 2012


I ACHIEVE THINGS FOR THAT THING. now what do i get? im wasting my fucking tiiiiiiiiime. im the ONE whos excited about it and now IM THE ONE WHO CANT GIVE IT A TRY? IS IT FAIR? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! please.god.help.

i got this thing ON that day. and this thing couldnt wait and its pretty important. but that day is the try out day. so im in a dilema. but since this thing has bothering me A LOT and i hv to be responsible i HAVE to choose thing thing over that day. so it is VERY VERY VERY impossible for me to get home on that day and give it a fuckin try.

you know what? i achieve things so i can get into THAT thing. but why is it happening to me!!! after all this time. its about letting go my dream. ITS ABOUT LETTING GO MY DREAM!!!!! they said "chase your dream till you get it" n stuff. i TRY to chase it but this dream keeps running and left me behind.

i always thought that this is my dream, my path, my destiny. but this is just... sick. ahahahaha i sound pathetic :| god help me give me another chance. at least give me a try. please.

and YOU!!! so YOU think you can COME into my FUCKIN LIFE and TELL me HOW TO LIVE MY LIFE? NO. now, fix yourself first THEN ill let you HELP me to fix mine. kay bye

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012


let me start this post with a laugh. ahahhahahahahhaha. a BIG laugh. HAHAHAHAHUHAUSDHIAUAHI. so yeah, this post is dedicated to someone. but that someone is not that "someone" get it? so... actually its suppose to be a galau post tho. but yeah.

one day, when i feel not good enough and about to quit. when the world almost eat me alive. when i feel someone hv to replace me. i was just thinking about him and my future. i dont care what the-other-he will say.

he is the ONE, who always believe in me. since the first time i start. he never blame me. he, Believes in me. but actually i dont believe in my self. and i feel bad. he is so positive. when i made a mistake he didnt "ure wrong. u shouldve... u er.. u shouldve known.." but he said "lets learn together" and now im scared i will let him down. i remember when im about to be replaced. hes... kinda 'fight' (not that kind of fight, u know what it mean kan) for me.

hes a friend, bro, and mentor for me at the same time. and I will try my best to not to let him down.

btw this post, is not that lovie dubie post. its normal kind of post cause i feel bad.
bye ngok ngok.

Minggu, 12 Februari 2012


oh fuck.i think im getting stupid... :| so yeah i hv this big Big BIG dreamszuh. buuuuuut i hv to be smart and full of achievementss to make it happen. + good personality. buuuuut i think im getting stupid, getting... lazzierrr day by day. i skipped classes. important classes. liiike physics chems math. but idk.. i skipped many classes. MANY classes lately.

so this week, i got caught. twice. yeah sun of a beach:) im not that stupid but i think its just a bad luck or maybe... a warning for me.. from God. is it?:| IS IT GOD? aaand idk i used to like physics buuuut since i skipped her classes for too many times. i failed on my exam. and i... dont like physics anymore :|

you know what. i... im stressing out. high school. where everything changes. but its way more fun tho... hahahehe. fuck. WHY DO I HAVE TO BE SOOOOOO STUPID. FUFUFUFUFUFU. and why do i have to be fat, god? :| theres just too many.. challenges in my life. ahahah. you know what this post.. looks so dramatic. and pathetic.

Rabu, 18 Januari 2012


ini gila. gabisa kalo kayak gini caranya. abis pulang debate yg ternyata jam 4, kerumah ganti baju abis itu lgsg ke movie. dan skrg dipaksa pulang... ini gila. capek. mata perih. dan... im not that passionate anymore about debating and stuff. bolos debat aja ga ya-_- biar ke malkes tapi... ah gila ah.

Senin, 16 Januari 2012


yeah so halo. jadi ini tengah2 januari dan saya... bukan pengen sok sibuk tp kayaknya ga ada waktu buat nyantai dan bermalas2an untuk minggu ini.

jadi hari senin ini aku sekolah kan abis pulang ke rumah makan, langsung ke movie sampe sore. sorenya les ampe malem. baru pulang dan ngerjain2 pr. dan skrg lg blogging :| dan baca2 bahan buat workshop debate. dan assignmentnya yg sebanyak..... upilnya org yg hidungnya paling gede.dan sebenernya mo latian piano dulu lagu ke2 soalnya belom lancar tapi ya... ga ada waktu... huaaa. belom lagi masalah baju malkes.akhsdbejwsfdhcvbdx

selasa besok abis sekolah jg mesti latian band yg intinya bakal mereka desek biar aku bisa piano yg not awalnya dan dituntut untuk main ditengah2 lagu (agak solo) yg kesalnya gaada di youtube cara2nya abis itu, langsung les sore2.. abis itu kalo masih disuruh ke movie bakal ke movie malem2

rabu dari jam 8- jam 5 workshop debate. dan... udah h-2 aja!!!padhal harus gladi resik dan ini gatau mesti gimana lagi jadinya. ahhhhhhh parahhhhh -_- dan kalo masih dibutuh ke movie bakal ke movie lagi.

kamis, h-1. dari jam 8 ampe jam 5 masih workshop debate. dan h-1 DEKOR MALKES itu paling sibuk sesibuk2nya dan harusnya seharian dimovie tp krn aku workshop aku bingung ini jadinya gimana dan aku udh eneg gimana jadinya.dan ini udh pasti bgt abis workshop aku lgsg ke movie ya.....

jumat!!! masih workshop ampe jam 5 dan ini udh hari h nya mesti buru2 siap2 soalnya nampil yg ke 2 hari ini!!! belom lagi siap2nya...njirrr.

sabtu jg udh malkes tp agak nyantai....

tapi ya... ini belom pr2 tugas2 makalah yg gabisa ngertiin bgt :|:| taiifekdhjnsjfkrd belom lagi gatau ini dpt ijin ato ga dr bg ivan dan panitia malkes lainnya aku gbs ampe jam 5. dan yg intinya aku bakal disalahin. oke. sekian. ahjksbdwekfvbj whevbfnsdx

Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012


Everything is pointless.

Selasa, 03 Januari 2012


yeah so.. tadi aku udah jogging dan itu pegel capekdan yah semoga aja ngefek. dari rumah ke hibrida ke gardenia eh yg di tanjakan fitnes ditebengin arin sampe street ball huauauau trus lanjut jalan ke rumah. itu kaki udah sakiiiit tapi gengsi kalo berhenti -_-

tapi ternyata sampe rumah ada mpek2 YEAAAAAAAAAH HJKADFBSJNUEFYJDH shit. yaudah deng abis itu nyari apel tapi ternyata gada di comissary so yeah.:|

oiya aku ngeliat2 di web i used to be fat dan nemuin itu. INSPIRATION BGT HAAAAAA:( tapi nemu lebih byk di tumblr gitu tapi ga aku save. dan ya pengen bgt langsing. semuanya tu emg butuh pengorbanan ya... beautiful is painful ea.

hixxxxhixxxxhixxxx semoga pas ga liburan masih punya byk waktu buat jogging dan ngeburn ini lemak2 yang kurang ajar!!! dan... yaa semoga bisa lah. GO HEALTHY LIVINGGG WOOOHOOO. ya hmm..