Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

ola amigossss 5cm?

oh ya jadi tadi baru nonton 5cm. 1 yang paling oke, PENGAMBILAN GAMBARNYA OKEEEEEEEEE BGTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. apalagi yang di gunung2nya itu. ah kereeeeeen. jd pengen kesana. highest appreciation to the crew deh pokoknya. mereka yg bawa barang2nya, nyootingin capek2. ah its the people behind the scene that made it successful. kul kul kul.

pevita.... uhm. shes pretty but her acting wasnt as good as i expected. yang bagus itu yang jd zafran. actingnya oke. ea. ok aku ngomong kayak udh pro. fukit. but over all its the best indonesian movie of the year. yeah tp belom nonton habibie dan ainun sih. kenapa saya jd suka nonton yg beginian ya. yaudahlah yya-_-

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