Senin, 09 Februari 2015


Here I am,  hugged by my favorite blankie in semi-sleeping position 'watching' The 57th Grammy Awards. At my not so tidy room somewhere in Rumbai. The place where I grow up for yearss. You'll never know how important a thing is before you actually lose it or live without it eh.

This room is a part of me.
Sadly, I'm that kind of person who believe in historical value. That also makes me a keeper. I even still keep a rock, that my clique and I found back in elementary school. Which is 8 or 9 years ago. Theres nothing special about that rock, its just a weird rock that we found and then we wrote our names on it. Thats it. But I still kept it not because its that special or something but it brings up good memories.

The same goes to this blog.
This blog has been here for me like yearsss we went through alay shit together.
That moment when I was being sok cool
That time where I was being a total douche
When I was trying to be funny
When I was sad because of my first crush (omg this is embarassing)
When I was too addicted to tumblr quotes (wkt masih ada tumblrity:p)
When I was just young and weird. and stupid.
Basically this blog sees me grow.

Thats why I do not want to delete this blog even though I've stopped posting back in 2013.
Because those alay posts, brings up memories. Even though its not the best ones, cause I only blog when I'm upset. It has become something that I would laugh at when I read it again. Its also something that my fans would actually look for and read when I get successful later on. LOL aamiin btw hehe.

Aaaand I said I would leave this blog permanently in my previous post rightt, but I think I miss posting shits on this blog. Well its actually because Nurul started to blog again, so I think I would want too. Here I am posting shit stuff that no one would probably read.

So I will keep you updated where I left off.

On the next post.