Kamis, 24 Desember 2009


jadi ya, ada org namanya anisa (samaran) dan tika (samaran) mereka itu foto webkem di rumahnya anisa. lalu waktu aku liat fotonya tika (kok jadi bahasa baku ya?-,-) aku liat ada fotonya make ktb terus mukanya kayak horny yaudah aku komen aja kan "dih tika horny" terus org2 pada comment juga. nih kopian nnyaa ntar namanya aku samarin ;)

Farah Hutami
diiih ismi horny -,-
3 hours ago ·

3 hours ago

hapus din
3 hours ago

3 hours ago

woi hapus babi
3 hours ago

horny mi? -,-
3 hours ago

Farah Hutami
3 hours ago ·

keren ko
3 hours ago

amak ang
3 hours ago

hahahahahahah. kalian nafsu sama aku ga? ahahahah
3 hours ago

Fihr Pangestu
seksi dank
3 hours ago

Farah Hutami
dih kuadrat -,-
3 hours ago ·

hahahaha bner kyk lg horny ckck dmn tu ?
3 hours ago

3 hours ago

pindah ke foto nomor 42 !
3 hours ago

diam kau pantek
3 hours ago

siapa x kau
3 hours ago

kau tu siapa nyato nyato babi
3 hours ago

udahlah striptis ajalah kau di MP club lagi !
3 hours ago

3 hours ago ·

3 hours ago

siapo bana ang nyuruh" adeen ?
3 hours ago

siapa juga kau suruh suruh aku
3 hours ago

yaudah selesai masalah !
2 hours ago

udah merasa selesai sama kau tu?
2 hours ago

iyaaa . ngapa kau ?
2 hours ago

suka hati kaulah

terus ada lagi, dia fotonya keliatan keteknya terus agak item :|

iss cewe ketiaknya hitam ! bikin ilfeel !
3 hours ago

sorry ya itu bukan itam. karen camnya aja gitu. diam kau pantek
3 hours ago

Farah Hutami
3 hours ago ·

apapula camnyaa . kenapa cuma dibagian situ aja yg hitam ? ndak usah bohong kau anjing ! malu kan ? HAHAHAHAHA
3 hours ago

perlu pula aku liatkan sama kau pantek. gak malu aku ya. diam kau gigolo
3 hours ago

ngapain kau liatin ? kau kira aku nafsu ? ketiak hitam berbulu aja bangga kau !
3 hours ago

siapa bilang nafsu. woi tolong jangan menfitnah mulut kau pantek
3 hours ago

tu manga ang nio liatin ? ndak punya malu kau ?! hahahaha . siapa yg memfitnah ? kenyataan adaa . diatas bisa diliat fotonya . HAHAHAHA
3 hours ago

mata kau buta pantek!
3 hours ago

eeh eeh eeh difoto bisa diliat . kusuruh orangni bilang benar atau salahlaah semuanyaa . yg asli pun pernah ndak sengaja aku liat .
3 hours ago

trs apa hubungannya sama kau?
3 hours ago

hubungannya aku mau cemeeh ! HAHAHAHA
3 hours ago

tu senang kau?
3 hours ago

senanglah ! liat kau malu !
3 hours ago

aku gak malu. biasa ajalah kau.
3 hours ago

yaudah . kau tu yg biasa. kan kau gk malu . jadi santai ajaa . bisa juga nih fotonya dipublikasikaan
3 hours ago

ngapa kau kurang senang?
3 hours ago

kan kau CANTIK . kau kan GAK MALU ! ngapa pula marah kau ?
3 hours ago

suka hati kaulah. cowok cemen berani sama cewek. apa tu?
3 hours ago

cewek apa yg suka bercarut kaya kau ? ha ? 1 cewe dSMP cendana yg kaya kaunyo ! tau kau ! adeek lebiih pula dari abg sikapnya ! koreksilah diri kautu ! ndak usah kau urus orang ! diri kau aja ntah apa" !
2 hours ago

woi yang buat aku bercarut kau ya. siapa yang urus kau. pede kali kau
2 hours ago

tok tok tok tok bakso bakso
2 hours ago

tong tong tong, bakso malangnya mas, mbak, eh mas giat, wong mereka lagi berantem kamu gangguin , biarin aja dulu..hohohoho (mbah bakso mode = on)
2 hours ago

manga ang?aden di starabuaks kayak pantek enak kopi tora bika lai
2 hours ago

haha orang ko ganggu orang cakak
2 hours ago

Weeeh,masuak yud.lnjutkan!haha
2 hours ago

awak diam ajalah ndo
2 hours ago

oiya .awak tetanggo beko cakak pulo
2 hours ago

manga pulo awak dang-,-.ni aja minas sama iksora
2 hours ago

2 hours ago

hidup kaktuuuuuuuuuuuus!!!!!
about an hour ago

about an hour ago

about an hour ago

Hidup market ela -____-
about an hour ago

eh gue mah kini anak bandung,lu lu pada anak pekanbaru yaa?HAHAHA
about an hour ago

hidup PARINDO ! -__-"
about an hour ago

Hidup bahri!
about an hour ago

ngakak hahahahahah
39 minutes ago

22 minutes ago

Farah Hutami
HIDUP JATI saya telat :|
9 minutes ago

begitulah terus ada lagi waktu aku chat ama raysha
[17:20] bulu: heeeeyyyyy
[17:20] liveforlaughandlove: heeeeeeeeeeeeeey
[17:20] liveforlaughandlove: where are youuu?
[17:20] bulu:
[17:20] bulu:
[17:20] liveforlaughandlove: HALOH
[17:21] Meebo Message: bulu is online
[17:21] liveforlaughandlove: halooooooooooooo
[17:21] bulu: still at airport
[17:21] bulu: bntar lg palingan gua prgi
[17:21] liveforlaughandlove: :(:(:(
[17:22] liveforlaughandlove: raka kenapa?
[17:23] bulu: triak triak d launge
[17:23] bulu: zzzz
[17:23] liveforlaughandlove: ngiiiiih
[17:23] liveforlaughandlove: make hp?
[17:25] bulu: kagak
[17:25] bulu: ym gua error zzz
[17:25] bulu: eh eh
[17:25] bulu: kn nyokap gua ng liat fto tika yg horny2 tu
[17:25] liveforlaughandlove: terusss
[17:25] bulu: naah soal ny gualg liat liat tuh foto
[17:25] bulu: trus...
[17:26] bulu: nyokap : "itu siapa ?"
[17:26] bulu: gua : "tikai"
[17:26] liveforlaughandlove: terus
[17:26] bulu: nyokap : "hah?ckckc tika gaya ny gtu "
[17:26] bulu: gua : hahahah
[17:26] bulu: (bokap dateng )
nyokap : "tuh yah,liat tuh gaya ny si tika ckck" smbil menggelengkan kpala

[17:27] liveforlaughandlove: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
[17:27] liveforlaughandlove: terus2 bokap lo bilang apa?
[17:27] bulu: bokap : "itu siapa ?" smbil ng liat fto ny yg sndiri itu lhooo bkn yg ketek ny kliatan
[17:27] bulu: yg prtama link ny lu kasi k gua
[17:27] bulu: naaah trus
[17:28] bulu: gua : "tika"
[17:28] bulu: bokap : "lho itu tika ?kok kyk setan "
[17:28] bulu: gua : "hahaha"
[17:28] bulu: trus pas gua liatin yg fto k 2 ,bokap gua geleng2in kepala
[17:29] liveforlaughandlove: HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
[17:29] liveforlaughandlove: NGAKAK GUA
[17:29] liveforlaughandlove: SUMPAH
[17:30] bulu: hahahahahaha kesian amet tuh tika
[17:30] liveforlaughandlove: hahahah
[17:30] bulu: trus yeee kta nyokap gua
[17:30] bulu: "kamu jgn make baju yg kyk gtu yaa,trus ga boleh d pamerin"
[17:31] bulu: mksd ny boleh make kyk gtu ,tpi ga boleh d pamerin ketek ny
[17:31] liveforlaughandlove: ooo iya 2
[17:32] bulu: kta nyokap gua "kayak stengah telanjang klo smbil d pamerin "
[17:32] bulu: gua : "wakakakakakakaka"
[17:32] liveforlaughandlove: hahahahahah
[17:32] liveforlaughandlove: lagian make mamer ketek -,-
[17:32] bulu: tauuuk
[17:32] bulu: udh tau berBULU
[17:33] bulu: jgn d pamerin dooong ckckckck
[17:33] liveforlaughandlove: tau tuuuh
[17:33] liveforlaughandlove: hahahah tika
[17:35] bulu: hahahah psti malu bgt tuh i ckck
[17:35] liveforlaughandlove: iya haha -,-
[17:36] bulu: eh emng siapa aj yg nangis ?
[17:37] liveforlaughandlove: gatau itu kan lagu baim2 gituu looh
[17:46] Meebo Message: bulu is offline

okeee, itu semua nya udah aku ganti2 namanya hehe sharing aja nih loo
maaf sebelomnya aku cuman mo sharing bukan mo ngejatuhin org lain. enjooy :)

Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

omegle thingy!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: im Lee Hong Gi's big fan!
but i like Kim Hyun Joong more
You: eh pantek kau
You: pergi kau
You: pergi ndak! :)
Stranger: ??
You: that means mee too
Stranger: korean?
You: we are so cool
You: we're the same
Stranger: ur korean?
You: no no no
You: im los angelesian
Stranger: im confused,,:S
You: why?
Stranger: pergi kau??
You: yess
Stranger: means mee too?
You: it means we are so cool
You: well pantek kau: means me too
Stranger: wt language is that
You: that was france
You: :):):) cool huh
Stranger: it not english right
You: its not
Stranger: ic
You: sooo
Stranger: its*
Stranger: asl?
You: btw pantek means pretty too
Stranger: okay
Stranger: asl?
You: 15 f nyc
You: youu?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
ga jelas mau aja di boongin woo bego sih hahahaha

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey asl
You: 13 f indonesia
Stranger: 16 m usa
You: kewl man
You: pantek = cool
Stranger: do u have msn?
You: yes
Stranger: can i add u
You: okeman
You: farah.808@hot
You: i wanna poop first oke
You: bye
Stranger: ok lol
Stranger: i added u
You: byeee
You have disconnected.
dia bener2 nge add akika looh

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: heyy
Stranger: !!
You: heyy!!
Stranger: whats up?!?!
Stranger: awesoem!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Stranger: awesome*
Stranger: name?
You: whats youuurs?!
Stranger: kool
Stranger: KAYLA
Stranger: wheres ay from ?
Stranger: ya*
You: indonesiaa!
You: you?
Stranger: canada
Stranger: whoot
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

oke bye guys males

Kamis, 17 Desember 2009

reblog and fill get to know me bettterrrrr

10 Thing’s You Want For Christmas:

I don’t celebrate christmas but can it changed into new year? :D

  2. macbook PRO
  3. sidekick or 5730 or blackberreeeh
  4. watch all the bands I want next year <3
  5. new wallpaper/color for my room*sorry guys we'll make the new and cute one soon ;)*
  7. SLR Camera
  8. go to a few countrys I wanna go
  9. be with my BESTfriends
  10. tie dye hoodie

9 Musicians/Bands You Love:

  1. cash cash
  2. pee wee gaskins
  3. all time low
  4. forever the sickest kids
  5. RAN
  6. owlcity
  7. pixie lott
  8. 3 oh 3
  9. zee avi HAHAHAHAHA

8 Things You Do Everyday:

  1. Eat
  2. Sleep
  3. School
  4. Twitter shiz
  5. listening to music
  6. Laugh
  7. Praying
  8. Play

7 Things I Enjoy:

  1. Music
  2. Friends
  3. Long walks on the beach
  4. Art
  5. Photography/taking a lot of picssss
  7. Playing Video games/watch dvds

6 Things That Will ALWAYS Win Your Heart:

  1. guys? lol er, sum. idk, eh wtv
  2. music
  3. FOOD live for me yoo
  4. electronic stuff
  5. shopppinnggg
  6. ladies night -,- hahaha

5 Favorites:

  1. online
  2. Food (cheese burgers, McDonald’s nuggets, sushi, yogurt, etc)
  3. music
  4. gentlemens.. ? ya know, nice guys..
  5. my macbook

4 Smells You Enjoy:

  1. my papaya body lotion
  2. my chochoo parfume
  3. fruity smells
  4. MONEY hahahah

3 Place You Want To Go:

  1. DUBAAAI, oh God -,- iwanna go there there there thereee!
  2. NYC, wanna wanna wanna go there tooo
  3. france, yeah

2 People Holidays You Love:

  1. Idul Fitri
  2. New Year

1 Person You Would Marry On The Spot:

  1. TAYLOR LAUTNER :):):):):):):)

hahaha dumb thing to post yeah

bold THE THING kay?

1. I think my friends are beautiful and they make me feel ugly sometimes.
2. I wish I was an only child.
3. I want the world to be as it was when the Native Americans lived.
4. I wish I could tell people how I really feel, instead of running scared.
5. My best friend is fake, and sometimes I don’t know why I’m friends with her
6. The boy I’m currently infatuated with has me more confused than any other individual I’ve ever met.
7. I’ve only been kissed by two boys, and I’m sure both of them regretted it later.
8. I’ve thought about getting surgery to get rid of my gut.
9. I wish I was Alice from Alice In Wonderland so that I have somewhere to hide.
10. I’m lonely.
11. I have no friends.
12. I wish I didn’t post some stuff on the internet.
13. I always find ways to make myself the center of attention.
14. I hate most of my family for being so closed minded.
15. I hate the town I grew up in for being such a bad influence.
16. I’m scared of being alone.

17. I hate my dad.
18. I wish I could stand up to my dad.
19. I wish I could be who I really am wherever I am.
20. I wish I could tell someone something.

21. I want to have a baby. (NOT NOW -,- later )
22. I want to know what love feels like.
23. I know I spend way too much time on my own, but I don’t feel I have enough social skills to do anything else.
24. I have cut my wrist and hidden it under a wrist brace.
25. I have had three consecutive dreams about one boy.
26. I hate my mom for leaving my dad.
27. College scares and confuses me.
28. I am afraid to get romantically close to people even though it’s one of the biggest dreams I have ever had.
29. I truly have NO little idea what I really want to do with my life.
30. I never want to disappoint anybody.
31. I think all the little things that I don’t say anything about are building up again.
32. I want to get out of this town.
33. I’ve spent so much time pretending that I don’t know who I am anymore.
34. My boyfriend thinks I’m suicidal. He’s right.
35. My friends think they know me. They don’t.
36. I stand on my head for nearly 20 minutes every day. It’s very relaxing.
37. I’m a compulsive exerciser.
38. I don’t approve of my best friend’s marriage and I’m her maid of honor.
39. I miss boy bands.
40. I don’t think I’ll live past 30.
41. I wake up every morning and have anxiety that I have to overcome to get up.

42. I miss my ex, I love my ex, I hate my ex.
43. I’d rather talk to your sister than mine.
44. I love you.
45. I have always questioned whether or not I have been in love.
46. I hate where I let myself get to.
47. I don’t feel like I have done anything with my life.

48. I want to truly believe that I am loved. No ifs, ands, or buts.
49. I hate that he is so far away and that I’ve already cheated on him twice.
50. I’ve got abandonment issues.
51. I work all the time to keep my mind occupied, it doesn’t work.
52. I wish my ex-boyfriend would love me again.
53. I want to lose 20 pounds, but lack the motivation.
54. Reading all these secrets breaks my heart.
55. I sadden when I watch the news as well and see all there hatred that has filled the world, but I know the cause for which it is there.
56. I’ve always wanted to tell my secrets but have never had the chance.
57. I like having people come to me for advice,but I really have no idea what to say to you.
58. I’ve came a LONG way this year. It’s a real accomplishment.
59. I want to sleep with a guy just to take his virginity.
60. I am so glad you and I are not together anymore and I blame you for the fact that I can’t trust anyone.
61. I have lost all hope in humanity.
62. I feel I am being constantly judged.

63. I worry too much about my weight. Every time I watch the Notebook, I worry that when I get a boyfriend, he won’t be able to lift me like Noah lifts Allie.
64. My ex’s mother and I still talk on a day to day basis without him knowing. She hopes he will realize what he lost, soon.
65. Every song on the radio reminds me of you.
66. I don’t have a friend, anymore, than I can tell anything to.
67. I am an excellent stalker.
68. I act like I don’t care but I really do
69. College is the scariest and most fun I have ever had.
70. I am bisexual. I am not accepted for this from my family. It bothers me.
71. When my parents were arguing when I was little, I used to hide in my room and pretend that I had a sister that was there with me and I’d talk to her. I did this so I wouldn’t feel so alone. I’m an only child.
72. I’m confident that if I lost a lot of weight that I would have a better life.
73. When I watch Law & Order SVU, I deeply fear that something similiar will happen to me or someone in my family.
74. I can’t pee without the water in the faucet running.
75. I would give my life for so many people, but I know half of them would not return the favor.
76. I eat something that’s bad for me and then I feel so guilty about eating it that I won’t eat for days.
77. Seeing people cry makes me automatically want to comfort them.
78. I memorize random license plate numbers in case they’re ever needed in an investigation.
79. I’m content with nothing more than one meal a day, love from those around me and the air in my lungs…everything else is just a plus.
80. I want to choose who my organs go to when I die. I hope that they are helping deserving individuals.
81. I travel partly because I want to be able to boast about the places I’ve been and the things I’ve seen and experienced.
82. I dislike married men who don’t wear wedding rings.
83. I don’t know what religion to believe in.
84. I fish for complements to make myself feel better.
85. Every time a person comes to my work counter still trying to decide what they want, I want to yell at them for wasting the time of the other customers in line. You may not know it, but they get pissed because of you and take it out on me!
86. I feel ashamed of bringing certain friends around other friends.
87. I always feel like I’m not pretty enough
, even with everyone telling me otherwise.
88. I’m afraid she’s going to get him before I do. It’s selfish and I hate myself for thinking that.
89. I made out with my best friend’s brother years ago. To this day, no one knows.
90. I know it’s lame but I still love The Sims 2.
91. I didn’t want to wake up this morning, because my dreams were better than reality.
92. When I say I want to be left alone, I don’t always mean it, I just don’t know how to tell someone I need them.
93. I have been in quite a few relationships, none of the guys were faithful to me, it makes me feel like something is wrong with me.
94. He was my first love. I still don’t know if I was his. I hope I made a lasting impact on him as he did to me.
95. I am jealous of girls that have naturally good hair.
96. I’m jealous of anyone who has a talent.
97. I don’t drink. I don’t do drugs. I don’t want to. Get over it.

98. Going to parties make me more nervous than anything else.
99. I read post secret every Sunday hoping for familiar handwriting.
100. A day usually doesn’t go by without me thinking about him and wondering “What if he had chose me?”

no tittle

( ) celebrated Halloween
( ) kissed in the rain
( ) had your heart broken
( ) broke someone else’s heart
( ) had a stalker
(x) went over the minutes on your cell phone
( ) had a good relationship with someone
( ) someone questioned your sexual orientation
( ) gotten pregnant
( ) had an abortion
( ) have a relationship with someone you’ll never forget
(x) done something you’ve regretted
( ) lost faith in love
( ) kissed under a mistletoe

(x) painted a picture
( ) wrote a poem
(x) ran a mile
( ) shopped at Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch
(x) posted a blog
(x) listened to music you couldn’t stand
( ) went to a sleepover
( ) went camping
( ) threw a surprise party
(x) laughed till you cried
( ) laughed till you peed in your pants
( ) visited a foreign country
(x) cut in a line of waiting people
(x) told someone you were busy when you weren’t
( ) partied to celebrate the new year
( ) cooked a disastrous meal
(x) lost something/someone important to you

In 2009 I…
(x) broke a promise
(x) lied
(x) went behind your parents back
(x) cried over a broken heart
(x) disappointed someone close
(x) hid a secret
(x) pretended to be happy
( ) slept under the stars
( ) kept your new years resolution
(x) forgot your new years resolution
( ) met someone who changed your life
(x) met one of your idols
( ) changed your outlook on life
(x) sat home all day doing nothing
(x) pretended to be sick
( ) left the country
( ) almost died
(x) given up something important to you
( ) lost something expensive
(x) learned something new about yourself
(x) tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it
(x) made a change in your life
(x) found out who your true friends were
(x) met great people
(x) stayed up til sunrise
(x) cried over the silliest thing
( ) was never home on weekends
( ) got into a car accident
(x) had friends who were drifting away from you
(x) had someone close to you die
( ) had a high cell phone bill
(x) spent most of your money on food
( ) had a fist fight
( ) went to the beach with your best friend
(x) saw a celebrity
(x) gotten sick
( ) liked more than 5 people at the same time
(x) became closer with a lot of people

Selasa, 15 Desember 2009


aduuuh suka banget ini ama sepatu aduh shit, anjing bgt pengen beli huhu beli dimana? yaaa? keren2 yekan , lah gua lebay begini wow

which one do you like? hm? gua suka semnuaaa huaaa

ujian?selsai loooh


Selasa, 08 Desember 2009

i got many nick names already, but try this one ;)

For people who just love to make up nicknames for me.. haha I give you THIS! What do you think? Maybe this can teach you to get a little more creative in making stupid names (such as lundilup, haha)

Feel free to copy and fill it with your own answers, tell me and I'd like to see the results :

1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current car)
fishy toyota (kinda cool ryt?)

2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie)
choco mint choco chip

3. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name)

4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal)
Blue Penguin

5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born)
Hutami Jakarta

6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first)

(chinese much? o.O)

7. SUPERHERO NAME: (”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink)
The Grey Fruit Punch
(what the?!)

8. NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers)

9. STRIPPER NAME: ( the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/scent, favorite candy)
Chocolate Pushpop

10.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother’s & father’s middle names )
they doent hv a middle name :(

11. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter)
Ris Rome?
(give up this is HARD,kay. i forgot her name and the city? that was hard.and is that a city?)

12. SPY NAME: (your favorite season/holiday, flower)
Autumn Lily

13. CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”)
Longan Pajamay

14. HIPPY NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree)
Energen Jati

15. YOUR ROCKSTAR TOUR NAME: (”The” + Your fave hobby/craft, fave weather element + “Tour”)
The Sketching Summer Tour

Sooo what'r you gonna call me now?
Which is your fave?
Mine is
Fishy Toyota, chocolate Pushpop & Longan Pajamay

Kamis, 03 Desember 2009

i did it!

aku pengen kurus punya badan sexy dan terurus perut sixpack tanpa selulit dan mulus - saykoji

yeah thats the best lyrics ever lah wakakaka, pengen sih tapi ribet -,- dukung gua ya my peren peren hihihihi :) eh btw ya ini muka2 gua yang ga karuan lagi bosen. sorry kalo jiji yaaa muka gua emang begini ;(

oyeah njiji

laysnya udah abiss -,- btw gelangnya dari jiwaw aneh yaa -,-

muka tai haha

muka memelas -_-

nilai EKONOMI 84 HEBAT YAAA! ato gua lebay hm

senyum raflesia desa

oh yaa tau ga kan ekonomi gua 84 tuh, gua seneng banget sumpah soalnya biasanya kan si ibu itu galak banget ke gua, kalo ekonomi gua mesti duduk di depan gitu deh. yaudah si gua duduk di depan merhatiin, gua di ejekin mulu tiap belajar. gimana ga kesel abis itu ya masa ya, di luar kelas juga gituuu ih apalagi gurunya sok comel -,- dan tau ga waktu mo di bagiin itu kertasnya jujur gua takuuuuut bgt kalo sampe ga lulus lagi malu minta ampun. apalagi ulangan ini gua ga nyonteeeek! ya dan waktu dapet 84 gua mo nangis gituuu T-T terus ya anak2 pada tepuk tangan gituuu terus gua merasa menang gitu -,- terus ya gua seneng banget pokoknya laah
hehehehhe :D

udah dulu ya tweep oh ya gua lg otp ama raysha ni, ttyl :)
with lot of laugh,farah